The burning crusade 5th anniversary

The burning crusade was the First expansion of the game and was released 5years ago now on January 2007, it changed everything about the game and should probably have been celebrated for 5years anniversary with birthday greetings but sadly expansions rarely get that  treatment even though this expansion deserves to be remember and blizzard probably should have send out birthday greetings to remind us all that there 5years between tbc and the new expansion already. But few people really remember and most that played back then have quit since then.

This game was changed so much when this expansion came out, for example player versus player was completely redrawn, before now in vanilla you could pretty much steamroll another team with player versus environment gear but from now on the pvp players could get access to gear that was of similar quality of pve gear but much better geared towards pvp (more survivability) and by the end of the expansion a player that had pvp gear could easily beat a pve geared player in most cases but the other way around pvp was not really viable for raids either therefore allowing 2 kinds of play styles instead of just 1 like in vanilla sadly this is something that will not be remembered in years to come when people remember this by birthday greetings.

Another thing that changed the game a lot was the introduction of flying mounts, for the first time it was possible to fly everywhere and gain access to places in the new continent of outland, it was a lot faster to fly everywhere then run on your old mount which made the original mounts a bit forgotten and few people used the flight paths since those tended to take detours.

And a third major change to the game probably was the introduction of daily quests later in the expansion, before then you were forced to grind monsters or look for ore/herbs or skin animals to get enough gold to raid and repair your gear ect,  but after the introduction of daily quests and especially when they increased the daily limit it became fairly easy to gain enough gold a week to buy all what you needed to raid except on maybe the most hardcore guilds.

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