Cataclysm and its secund birthday

Is the third expansion pack of the game and has now been around for nearly 2years, by the time its second birthday greetings comes around a new expansion will probably already be released, but I choose to talk about this expansion and not the second or new 1 because it marked a specific change in the game that was fairly major, and well I prefer dragons over undead in general, although pandas are nice. And in a way  its nearly the second birthday of deathwing so reminding this for birthday greetings is a better concept then some cocky prince that fell or some boss I don’t even know about yet.

The third expansion pack was a major one in the sense that they did a major redevelopment of the old continents,  a ton of zones changed, some got flooded while others got cut in two by lava. Some zones changed hands from either orcs or humans and you defiantly had a lot of dragons to kill in this expansion which is always nice to. And of course most of us probably felt it when deathwing flew over a random zone you just happened to be in, and torched the entire place with you in it, that was always both funny and surprising.

However a few notable features of this change probably that stormwind gained a huge harbor and a big improvement in general, something I feel was very impressive compared to the old version.
Ogrimmar gained a similar redesign as it was partly burned during the event that formed the start of this expansion and as of now birthday greetings will be able to arrive on the many newly installed mailboxes the city finally received (after much complaining from the horde)
The last and most important feature of the expansion I personally consider is the ability to fly on your own mounts in the old worlds of kalimdor and azeroth, this was a addition that was really nice and allowed us to view the old continents in a whole different view, I personally liked this feature very much and I have to admit I did my fair share of exploring with my own griffon. It always felt so odd to run around unable to fly then jump through a portal towards another continent and fly off into the sky.

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