already 19years

When you look at warcraft the first thing most of us will think about is the current day MMO-rpg game that millions play or have played the last 10years more or less, however some fail to realize that this is infact the fourth game in the franchise and this has been around for not 10years but going back asfar as 19years when the first game was released.

With the age of the game comes the memories of playing it and when you think about a old great game such as these you also remember how it was in the day. Therefor I think when a great game such a this reaches 10-15 and eventually 20years they deserve a congratulations or a birthday greeting as it were to remind everybody that once played it that that much time has passed and some may even remember the old computers they used to play this, now soon you will have the change again to wish your birthday greetings as the gamefranchise is nearly 19years old and on November 2014 it will officially be 20years since the first game arrived, might actually be a good date for another wow expansion if you think about it. 

Though I would prefer that after 10 birthday greetings or a decade of wow that move on to another game in this series again, it has been to long in my opinion and I still look forward to the day they finally make the next one. Has to come sooner or later so I rather see it sooner and I’m very curious what time will bring us and how the story will be in the future games of this series, who knows maybe we get to see another planet again, there should be plenty out there they can cover if you played the second expansion you will know this

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