Thursday, August 30, 2012

birthday greetings for WoW 8th birthday

World of Warcraft is the last game in a series of games of which the original game of that line is going back as far as 1994 or nearly 20years ago now. The game itself has been released on the 10th birthday of the franchise as a celebration and birthday greetings where send by mail to let us all know of this the game has since been around for nearly 8years.

the anniversaries is coming up soon actually as it was released on September 2, as usually blizzard will probably send out birthday greetings or something along that line to celebrate the fact that its already 8 years old, however sadly after 8years it is starting to show that the game has aged.

Despite numerous expansions and updated the graphics are lacking behind a bit among other things, although the developers did their best to keep the game up to date you can’t really deny that there are now alternatives out there that have a far more polished look then this game, however I should probably note that most of these new games probably stole a good deal of ideas from blizzard .
But to go back to the game itself, this game has had a long history even longer if you consider the entire franchise and has been successful trough its history. 1 could wonder what the next installment will be if such a thing will ever be released, I sure hope it will but until then we will probably have to do with the new expansion which will hopefully add some nice features of the game to keep us busy for a while. 

However I have to be fair, wow hasn’t really been my cup of tea in a while now and its unlikely to change anytime soon, back in the original game the game wasn’t really finished and sure had its flaw, entire region like azshara was pretty much empty and it was really annoying to level between 40-50 in the early days but back then it was the best MMO out there, however as a long-term player I was saddened by the constant reduction of hardcore material in a way, as a raider since vanilla I saw the game develop from farming for mats each day to be able changing into log on a few days a week to raid and do nothing else since I had plenty of gold and mats anyway, while the original was not perfect in any way and many things have improved since then, somehow the feeling of achievement is gone which is sad, it has since been several years since a few expansions have been released and I would like to talk about a few of those on the other pages, how many years it has been or how many birthday greetings they should have received by now and what they did to change the game that made it more casual friendly.